Academics » DARTS


What is DARTS? An Overview

It is a math intervention model that uses instant data collection of weekly diagnostics to assign individualized intervention for students as well as frequent formative data for teachers to target instruction. Translations and Story Problems build students' math vocabulary, conceptual understanding, and challenge them to higher order thinking. The use of a common graphic organizer and common rubric school-wide builds lateral and vertical consistency throughout a school's math department and strengthens math instruction. DARTS (Diagnostic, Assessment, Rescue, Translations, Story Problems) is a home-grown in-house intervention model that can be duplicated in any school, any size. It has been effective for students in grades 5-12, but has mostly been utilized in grades 6-8. It is designed to find the "holes" in math skills and knowledge that students come in with, fix them strategically, and provide students with high level access to the grade-level curriculum at the same time. I like to use the analogy of thinking of students as a cup. They come in with holes, and we try to pour in new information that seeps out of the holes, because they lack some of the foundational skills. DARTS works to plug those holes so that new information stays and students can do the grade-level math.
DARTS Diagnostics are administered weekly through students' Math Tutorial Lab
DARTS Rescue Assignments are provided weekly